Sunday, September 23, 2007

It has been a busy few weeks. I was just put into the Young Women's Presidency in my ward as Secretary. We settled the deal with our totaled car and we will get a whopping $935 for it. So... I am out of a car for a while because we can't afford another car payment right now. Hopefully we will get enough for our tax returns to figure something out.

Ethan is crawling faster than ever and is not pulling himself up. He will try to pull on anything in sight. Including my drawstring pants that come down at the slightest tug. This is a picture of him at our front window. He just loves to stand there and watch the cars drive by. He will pound on the window and stomp his feet in delight every time one comes by. We took him into the doctor the other day and he is a healthy 20 lb. 9.5 oz. little/big boy. He is 30 inches tall which just makes his Papa so happy. Ya know, Jacob is hoping that Ethan takes after my height, not his. We went to my Mom's today for Sunday dinner just like we do every Sunday and made Ethan some sweet pajama pants. Do you guys remember those awful purple and black plaid things my mom used to wear. Well be thankful that she is not wearing them anymore. Now Ethan is. Strictly as pajamas though. He is teething pretty good and that makes him pretty ornry sometimes but if I keep him well regulated on his Tylenol he stays a happy boy most of the time.
Doesn't he just look so cute in his dinosaur pajamas!!

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