Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Ok, all you fellow mom's out there. I need to find a Santa!

Here in good old Brigham City they set up Christmas Village every year downtown. And last year I was in the hospital having Ellie when Santa came to visit all the kids. My parents took Ethan last year but this is the first year he REALLY knows what is going on. So I checked out the paper and Santa is only coming once. Saturday morning after Thanksgiving. Which is fine, we will be home but...Jacob has to work! Jacob has never been able to see Ethan go see Santa. He said that I could still take him because he wants Ethan to see him for sure wether or not he can be there. Jacob's work schedule is pretty packed - he is working about 60 hrs. a week so I hoping that there is some Santa out there that is available. If any of you guys know where Santa will be - even if they charge to see him - please let me know.

We are willing to travel to Salt Lake so that Jacob can see! I also heard that Santa comes to Mantua but I can't remember when or anything.

Please HELP!


Linda@CraftaholicsAnonymous said...

Hi Michele,
If you're still interested in participating in a handmade gift exchange, I posted the official sign up. You'll need to leave a comment on this post:



PS I grew up in Brigham City....

Tasha said...

I hope you got my package. I sent it out quick because we left on vacation and needed it out before we left. Merry Christmas!!

Linda@CraftaholicsAnonymous said...

Hi Michele Youngberg (barker now?)!! lol that's awesome! How the heck ya doin? Long time not see girl! You have some cute little munchkins there! Good luck findin a santa. I'm not much help, but I know there's one at the scrapbook store here in VA in a couple days.... we're flying to good ol ut tomorrow. oh joy. well, I better get packing.
PS Merry Christmas!